Rebirthing Breathwork

The way we breathe mirrors the way we live. How we breathe affects how we feel, think, react, generally, it affects how we live. Because of that, consciously used breath is a powerful healing tool. Conscious breathing equals conscious living.

Rebirthing Breathwork is a transpersonal therapy in which our body brings into the surface material from our life which needs to be integrated.

In a non-invasive way we come to experience and to understand

  • the way we relate to the world
  • our dreams and desires
  • our feelings and emotions
  • the way we live in our body
  • the way our conscious and unconscious memories and past experiences influence our life

When these experiences come to the surface, one may find himself

  • feeling deeply relaxed
  • yawning, crying or laughing
  • feeling tingling in his hands or feet, sometimes localised pain
  • feeling sudden changes in body temperature
  • adopting unusual body postures
  • experiencing waves of energy
  • hearing sounds, seeing colours
  • re-experiencing past events


Once brought into the awareness, the past experiences can be integrated and healed.

Important aspect of the Breathwork is that the breath and our body bring up always ‘the right’ material for us to be integrated in a given moment. We may set an intention for the session to work with, but it is the breath that directs the healing and it may bring up something completely unexpected. Our body never reveals though anything that we are not ready to face and integrate, and with a skilful Breathwork practitioner we enter a deep, safe journey of self-discovery and healing.